Trying Twitter Again

Okay, I still don’t get it entirely, but I’m giving it yet another shot.  The Facebook Twitter app now seems to work, so I’ll start posting my tweets via mobile and they’ll update my Facebook status as well as Twitter. The Twitter link is on the sidebar for future reference.  My Twitter identity is “kosherhog”.

While I’m at it, I’m also checking out Witty, since IM updates to Twitter are dead at the moment.

It would be neat if there was a way of tweeting directly into a blog post. Hmmm…

RAID Is Dead In 2009

I read this on Slashdot a couple of days ago and found it pretty interesting … RAID is essentially dead because of large disks.  In the time it takes to reconstruct a failed drive, there will be another unrecoverable read error in one of the other disks, essentially making the reconstruction fail, which means that the entire RAID system is dead — you’ve lost your data and cannot recover it.  Intuitively it feels like we’re going to have the same problem with JBOD eventually — we won’t be able to rebuild a disk on a failed server before another drive fails.  The only way to protect against this is to have some system that can rebuild from multiple drives, some of which have failures.  Essentially, we have to assume that there will be parts of every disk that are bad and merely talk to the parts of the disk that are working.

WHS Saves The Day

It seems that Windows Home Server does the job when it comes to backup. One of my laptops lost its hard drive. After replacing it, I booted up the system with the WHS recovery disk (on a USB key actually) and did a full restore. Two hours later the machine was back to life – sweet!


I wish I had a browser that worked well for Windows Mobile – even though I’m able to make some accommodation by only visiting mobile-enabled sites. I’m experimenting with Skyfire to see if it is a better browser. So far I like the UI but it’s a bit of a memory hog. More later …