First Day Back

Well, I think I’m going to get started blogging again. Why? I’m not sure. Is blogging still in fashion? Does anyone actually read these things? I’m not sure of the answer to either of these questions but I have a few things on my mind which I ought to write down. I’m not sure how happy I am being back in WordPress. I might be happier with a blog like I used at Microsoft (while I was employed there — another story for another post) — a repo with pages done in markdown. But I’ve been on this site forever so I thought I’d give it a try again. We’ll see how it goes. In the meantime, I at least enabled HTTPS and changed the theme to something readable on a mobile device. After all, when I was doing this before (last post in 2013) smart phones were not everyone’s primary computing device like they are today. So here goes nothing …