Am I missing something? Given what little we know about the upcoming Apple Tablet, the rumors all seem to indicate that it’ll have something close to an iPhone compatible app store. That should mean that the Kindle app, which now runs on PCs and iPhones should also run on the Apple Tablet. Amazon may lose out on some Kindle hardware sales, but they should be able to open up the Kindle store to anyone with a Tablet and the app. Then it’s a competition around who has the most content, but the consumer wins — publishers can publish through whatever store they want and I get the books I want. Seems like this is the most obvious path to travel …
One of Alyssa’s Photos
Interesting Photo
A little doctored, yes, but I thought it ended up being a pretty interesting photo overall. This started out as a color photo. I did some High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging on it to turn it into a mostly b&w photo, leaving in the purples and yellows and a bit of green. When I shot the photo, it wasn’t what intended at all — in fact, I accidentally included the plant when composing. Sometimes accidents work out for the best …
Photo of the Week – Soccer
I learned a little something about shooting sports photos last week and the tips paid off. Instead of hacking around with shutter or aperature priority, I set my camera to manual mode, with the shutter speed around 1/1000 to 1/1600, the aperature at f/2.8, and the ISO to automatic on my Canon 7D with the 70-200 f/2.8 IS lens. So as the clouds moved in and out (after all, I am in Seattle), the ISO would vary from 125 to around 400 and back. So the photos varied a bit in noise level (hardly any at those ISOs) but I got the depth of field and stop action that I was looking for. Post processing included setting the white balance, doing a bit with the shadows, and a (very little) bit of noise reduction – overall very good results.