New Weblogging Software

So I decided that doing this weblog by hand is too painful to continue. I took a look at Blogger and a couple of others but decided on Greymatter. It’s a pretty slick software package that’s written entirely in PERL. I’m running the site with Apache on Linux, so the installation was pretty simple. It has an easy to use interface that includes a commenting and voting capability. I haven’t enabled these features yet, but may in the future. Right now this weblog is read-only for the public, but I may choose to enable this in the future. The templating capability has allowed me eliminate the use of server-side includes for the sidebar and footer sections of the main page.

Any thoughts on weblogging software? Send me comments.

Sun To Roll Out Linux Servers

How times have changed for the folks at Sun. According to this Reuters article (via Yahoo), Sun Microsystems is going to roll out a line of servers with the Linux OS. This move is a continuation of events that started with their acquistion of Cobalt. Cobalt, if you recall, produced Linux appliances that were shipped in closed boxes. They run without monitors and keyboards — instead they boot up and are configured through a web-based interface (and a small LCD on the back of the unit). Seems that Sun is going to expand this line of units and treat them more seriously. These boxes are excellent small office/home office units — easy to configure, use and manage.

As IBM continues to shift its operating system strategy towards Linux, it appears that Sun is going to have to follow suit. It won’t surprise me if Solaris is phased out in the next five years. Sun will probably have to do what IBM has been doing — moving Linux onto its hardware architecture to achieve performance and scaleability. The current Sun/Cobalt Linux boxes are essentially Intel architecture units, but that won’t do for Sun in the long run. You’ll likely see Sun architecture boxes running Linux in the near future, which is where they will attempt to distinguish themselves in the market.

A Quick Update on DRM

Seems that KaZaA has been nailed by the Dutch government. As the article says:

“A Dutch judge has ruled that Internet company KaZaA must stop its users sharing copyrighted music files, but the company said on Friday it could not comply because, unlike Napster (news – web sites), it does not know who its customers are.”

KaZaA uses FastTrack technology to implement its P2P functionality. It’s completely serverless, so there’s no way that KaZaA can conceivably comply with this ruling. Similar lawsuits by the RIAA and MPAA against Music City and Grokster will also create a compliance problem.

Frankly I think there’s going to be a huge compliance problem out there. These systems were built as serverless, self-organizing systems specifically so the companies could avoid any copyright compliance problems. In many ways, this problem is exactly like copy machines. As you know, you are not allowed to copy copyrighted material on a copy machine. Yet the publishing industry allows those devices to exist. The music and motion picture industries are now faced with this problem and they are likely going to completely fail in controlling it now that Pandora’s box has been opened.

The only potential outcome from these suits is that they can force certain developers to stop distributing their software. But this is clearly an infringement on free speech, which I don’t think will stand up in the Supreme Court.

Read the full article at Yahoo.

Vanity Searches and a Little History

I mentioned in a previous post the fact that Google has gone through the effort of making available some very early USENET archives. I admit that I was never much of a poster on USENET; rather I would read through newsgroups and search for answers to the burning questions of the day.

A few days ago I did a vanity search in that archive to see what I’d find. (A vanity search is when you search for instances of your name on the web — try it sometime — it’s fun.) I found this posting that dates back to August 1994. It’s the earliest post that I’ve located under my name. You can read the post by clicking through, but the signature block brought back memories:

Jeffrey Kay "Net Surfer"
Internet: UUCP: uunet!kappa!jkay
"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity" -- Albert Einstein

Interesting memories surround this. One thing you’ll notice is that I’ve had this e-mail address for at least seven years. You’ll also notice the “net surfer” reference — sort of goofy in retrospect, but surfing the net in 1994 was a new and interesting thing to most people. I also had a UUCP address that I suspect very few of you will recognize.

Around that time, direct Internet connections into workplaces were very rare and no one had connections at home. Being the developer that I was, I had been goofing around with different operating systems and around 1990 purchased a copy of Coherent, produced by the Mark Williams Company. It was a Unix variant, based on Unix v7. I had been doing mostly DOS development at that point, so Coherent was an incredible opportunity to learn. It was cheap and ran on just about any x86 pc. I took a 286 PC and loaded it up and in very little time had a running Unix system in my basement.

Connectivity was the next order of business. Coherent included UUCP, so I opened a low volume UUCP account at UUNET (then an independent company). For $300 a year ($25 per month), I received two hours of UUCP connectivity. I named the Coherent box “kappa” and its UUCP address was uunet!kappa. My user account was jkay and hence the complete e-mail address uunet!kappa!jkay. Twice a day my Coherent box would dial out to a local UUNET number and upload out going e-mail and download any new messages. This was my setup for almost four years. It was a little painful to setup, but I was the only kid on my block who had a real e-mail address of his own, delivered into his own computer.

Coherent was an incredible system and a great way to get familiar with Unix. I built some software using the GNU compilers that were available and learned a great deal about Unix system administration and Unix in general. After a while I moved on to Linux using a Yggdrasil distribution of a 0.x kernel, but Coherent was a great opportunity to learn for a mere $99. Mark Williams shut down in 1995 — a eulogy is posted here.

I’ll post some future comments about the subject of that USENET posting — the Apple Newton — and PDAs in general.