And Down Goes The $1 Movie — Film88.COM Shutdown

CNet reports that has been shutdown, a second strike by the MPAA. Film88 used servers in the Netherlands because high speed Internet access in the Middle East is hard to come by. Score one for the MPAA, but this won’t last long — do they really think that the Film88 guys won’t figure out how to beat this one?

Jack Valenti — it’s time to cut a reasonable deal. These guys are going to keep at it until they succeed, and when they do, you won’t get a cut of the profits. This is really about greed, pure and simple.

By comparison, when the software industry finally realized that they couldn’t prevent people from copying software, the business strategy changed. I think it’s time that Hollywood recognize that this is going to continue and it’s going to get harder and harder to beat these guys. They would have been happy paying $0.25 per film viewed. With the qualities proposed (100k to 500k), that wouldn’t have been a bad start.

$1 Movies — CNet Picks Up The Story

You heard it here first, but the full story is now posted on CNet. According to CNet, the Film88 guys are not the same ones as the Movie88 people — they did hire some of the folks who worked on Movie88. However, I was correct in identifying the location of the business — Tehran, Iran. More as the story develops.

The $1 Movie Returns

It seems like the Movie88 guys have new life in the form of Film88 ( I received the following note in my e-mail this morning from them:


We,, are pleased to announce that we are reviving the concept and technology of the 1-buck-movie on the net, the online movie rental of US$1-00. For a start, we are offering about 1,500 online movies streamed (without downloading) at 100k, 300k and 500k. As a soft launch, we are now giving away FREE US$5-00 for any user who registers with us (no email or credit card particulars required and no geographical limitation)) - for a limited time only. Even without registering, users can watch online FREE full lenght movies daily.

Film88 is attempting to provide the broadband users with a revolutionary broadband product. This will surely help to promote broadband usage worldwide.

For more info of our site, please visit our FAQ section and feel free to contact us. We also have a special journalist section to enable journalist to submit their questions/interviews to us of which we will try to reply promptly.

Please support this innovation ...

Best Regards,


And now for some really fascinating information. I did a traceroute on the website to see where they had moved the service, but no reverse name records existed, making the task of finding them difficult. However, the WHOIS record is as follows:

216 Ostad Nejatollahi Ave.
Tehran, Iran 1598751314

Domain Name: FILM88.COM

Administrative Contact:
216 Ostad Nejatollahi Ave.
Tehran, Iran 1598751314
98218903252 123 123 1234
Technical Contact:
VeriSign, Inc. (HOST-ORG) namehost@WORLDNIC.NET
VeriSign, Inc.
21355 Ridgetop Circle
Dulles, VA 20166
1-888-642-9675 fax: -

Record expires on 18-Apr-2005.
Record created on 18-Apr-2002.
Database last updated on 4-Jun-2002 08:48:36 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:


So it looks like the services has moved from Taiwan to Iran, a country that (obviously) doesn’t respect US copyrights. Frankly I’m not that pleased about this development and I think that the US Government and the MPAA ought to rethink this pretty quickly. Do you really want US dollars heading out to Iran? If I were the US government, I’d pressure the MPAA to do a license deal with someone quickly and move the service. Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire. The MPAA braintrust has actually made the situation worse for the world and has left themselves virtually no recourse. There is very little pressure that the US government can put on Iran to cause the service to shut down — the only real option is to try to make a deal with the individuals running the service — give them their due and let them operate legally.

MP3 On Usenet

You may have noticed that I tend to post two articles at a time. I guess it’s like eating potato chips — just can’t write one.

I received an e-mail today talking about the stream of MP3s flying through Usenet. I’ve never particularly cared for Usenet as a means of distributing files — they always come in pieces and it’s generally a pain in the neck to deal with. However, it brings a different paradigm to the quest for MP3s.

Usually when folks use Kazaa or Morpheus or Limewire (my choice) for retrieving MP3s, the process is based on a search for something in particular. So I’ll pop open Limewire and search for the latest Hole song or something similar. But that often leaves me unsatisfied. It’s not just that I have to have all of the Hole songs, but the process doesn’t really allow me to browse the way I might in a music store. Even though I don’t always get to hear every song on a CD, I like the idea of seeing what’s new, listening to a sample and then acquiring an entire disc. I’ve purchased a few clunkers, but most of the time a sample or two leads me to enjoyment of the entire disc.

But listening to the radio is really a cumbersome process for acquiring the latest music. First of all, none of the stations actually tell you what they are playing anymore. If you go to the station’s website, you may find a song list, but often there’s no audio to go along with it to help you match up. And then you still don’t know what’s on the rest of the disc.

So I just started playing around with retrieving MP3s from Usenet. It’s interesting to see what’s posted — a combination of complete CDs and single songs. Often the songs are organized into a collection, like 80s music. A tool like Newsbin can download all of the pieces of a larger file and assemble the results so you don’t have to mess with that yourself.

I did a quick surf to alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1980s just to sample what was there. In the initial look, I saw entire discs for Concrete Blonde, the Ramones, the Smithereens, the Pretenders, and a couple of hundred tunes in someone’s “80s Excellent Music” collection. In short, there were easily 2 GB of files ready to download. (For those of us who grew up on 80s music, it was a walk down memory lane.) And that’s just one group that I looked at.

You could fill up terabytes with the music that people have posted there and because Usenet is highly decentralized, it will also be virtually impossible to stop the posts. I’ll avoid the diatribe about business models and the record industry here (already did that in previous posts), but in all seriousness, you could conceivably download more music than you could ever listen to just by pulling everything off of Usenet. Now there’s an interesting thought. Something like Newsbin could actually just sit and automatically download music — if you have a fast enough connection, you’d be up to your ears (pun intended) forever.

I’m sure this isn’t news to many of you, but it seemed interesting to me for another reason also — the recording industry hasn’t successfully shut down Usenet (not really possible anyway) or prosecuted ISPs for maintaining MP3s on their news servers. Why not? Usenet might still be considered a sacred cow on the Internet, but that usually doesn’t stop the brainiacs at the RIAA. Maybe it isn’t on their radar yet, with easier tools available. I’m not sure why, but it leads to the conclusion that if Usenet is okay to optimize access to content by distributing it through a network of servers world wide, why wouldn’t the notion of “superpeer” nodes on peer-to-peer systems be just as legitimate? Or peer systems in general?