Great Crossfit Website

Check out – really neat Crossfit website.  It has an encyclopedia of  workouts cross-referenced by movement.  I find that really handy; on the days that I work out at home, I’ll often want to do a workout that includes some movement that I haven’t done in a while or includes some piece of equipement I have.  So, for example, I could find all of the workouts that include ring dips.  Just doing that quick lookup, I found a couple of new workouts that I can do at home.  Well done!

Pull-Ups – Get Some And Then Get Some More

Get some, and then get some more.  Just put in the Studbar Pullup Bar and have been working on my pullups.  Yup, I continue to be a fitness geek.  This bar is awesome.  The rafters in my garage are 2x4s so I may sister them up just to make me feel a little better about not pulling down the roof when I’m using it, but it generally feels pretty solid.  The crossbar itself has a little flex to it, which is also good. 

Of course, we all gave it a try — and have the sore hands to prove it.