Something In Exchange For A Heroes HD DVD

I bought an Xbox HD-DVD drive at Best Buy a while ago and never received the promised Heroes first season box set. So I’m at Best Buy now doing another errand an checking to see what they’ll do for me. Promises to be interesting :-)

Update: So after waiting around for a while, they finally decided to give me a box set of Heroes Season 1 in standard DVD.  I would have preferred the $50, but that’s what I got — Craigslist here I come.

Neat Receipts

Now here’s a disappointment.  I just purchased a Neat Receipts mobile scanner, thinking the size would be incredibly convenient for converting to a paperless office and just found out that the software doesn’t work with 64-bit Vista.  I called them and apparently the software will be ready in January 2009, but their suggestion was to return the unit that I bought and wait.  Bummer — it looked like a really cool product.  Maybe I’ll purchase some other unit.

Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment

I haven’t had much to say politically lately, so here it comes …

MSNBC is clearly “left-leaning”, so it shoud be no surprise where Olbermann comes down on this issue, but that doesn’t make his point any less valid.  The McCain campaign has been surprisingly quiet on the shouts of hatred at the rallies and this is incredibly disturbing.  Down in the polls and down to his last breath as a candidate, McCain continues to disappoint me.

An election cycle ago, McCain was the breath of fresh air to the independent voters.  He was a favorite on the Daily Show.  His “straight talk” and “mavrick” attitude were a welcome chang to the typical politics of Washington.  But he’s sold out.  At this point, he wants to be President so much that he’s abandoned his decency and morals and instead embraced the politics that he was so against in previous years. 

To me, it’s really just sad to see the desperation.  In a way, I feel bad for McCain — he’s in such a state now that he’s unable to really see what’s happened to him.  Every once in a while, I see the old McCain rise to the surface — when addressing the woman who called Obama an Arab and when replying to the man who said that he would be afraid if Obama won the election — he told them to show some respect for Obama and that he had respect for Obama. 

But now it’s just silence.  Shouts of “kill him” from the rallies don’t seem to faze him.  Instead, he’s letting all of this slide in hopes that if he can’t win an election with ideas and ideals, he’ll win an election with fearmongering. 

I believe that after the election, regardless of who wins, McCain may just break down entirely.  I think his career is effectively over if he loses — any respect for him will be lost.  And he just may regain that conscience that he seems to have misplaced, which may be the worst thing that could ever happen to him.

Attempting To Post By E-mail

Okay, I’m not thrilled with this, but at least I fixed some of the problems with the e-mail handling in WordPress.  I find that from time to time I have something to say and I’d like to be able to say it from my mobile phone.  So I’m going to give this e-mail posting thing a try.  I’d prefer some administrative interface on my phone where I can type in a text box and post from there, but no such beast exists, short of, which I’m not really that thrilled with.  I’d use something like that, but I want it hosted on my website so I don’t have to give away my password.  So when I have time I’ll write such a beast myself, but for now this’ll have to do until I find something better …