Home Stand Up Desk


I just read this blog post about stand-up and walking desks and realized that I hadn’t posted a picture of my home stand-up desk.  I needed something less complicated at home so I purchased a bit of Ikea furniture to raise the monitors and used the original desk shelf to raise the keyboard.  Worked like a charm.

Before and After

Some friends saw my Microsoft badge the other day and noted how different I look compared to 2006, before I lost a great deal of weight (about 75 pounds).  Here are three photos from vacations in Hawaii showing what I looked like before and after.  In case you are wondering, I still wear the hat in the first photo.


2006 (around 240 pounds)


2007 (down to around 170)


2009 (holding between 165 and 170)

Overhead Squats

Not a big fan of overhead squats, but learning how to do them. Here are a couple of photos showing my form, which is apparently pretty good, but not with a lot of weight (25k).  Do I look like I’m struggling here?

Overhead Squats 2  Overhead Squats 1

Great Crossfit Website

Check out www.beyondthewhiteboard.com – really neat Crossfit website.  It has an encyclopedia of  workouts cross-referenced by movement.  I find that really handy; on the days that I work out at home, I’ll often want to do a workout that includes some movement that I haven’t done in a while or includes some piece of equipement I have.  So, for example, I could find all of the workouts that include ring dips.  Just doing that quick lookup, I found a couple of new workouts that I can do at home.  Well done!